Friday, January 14, 2011

Though the judicatory of the our country authenticates organization a lot of

Reporter:Though the judicatory of the our country authenticates organization a lot of, but method big law court authenticate is a national head criticize 10s are national of one of the consultation organizations is also in Peking at the same time of 5 of a.Its biggest characteristics be, in addition to accepting national judicial organ and arbitrating the judicatory that the organization entrusts to authenticate, being like law firm, legal person and citizen is individualses can carry on entrusting consultation.But, at usually under the circumstance, these the judicatory authenticate organization from belong to a public security official and check a Cha hospital, safe system.Is also say, currently, method big law court authenticates is unique the national judicatory that face to a society and face to a citizen individual in Peking consultation organization.

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