Monday, August 30, 2010

Department store business to the brands that area

Department store business to the brands that area, and other factors under a certain amount of rental shops, and department stores to make further sales under the brands were drawn into a different proportion of different brands of pumping. As the department to adopt uniform cash register, so money concentrated in the hands of department store business, to go through a certain account to go to the brand owner of the hands, so relatively speaking, than the department store business is strong.the same time, department store operators to grasp the overall management rights, the right to demand admission carried out all kinds of brand marketing, to increase revenue shopping centers. in this mode, the department store business is usually calculated and drawn into a rental, and as far as possible to increase promotional efforts to win costumers.

The brands will want lower rents and levy proportional.brands they have a mathematical model to calculate profit and loss. the formula for the breakeven point formula, that is, break-even point = Fixed costs(1 - Changes in rates). Market rent is the so-called fixed costs, management fees, cost sharing and other decoration, and changes in costs include the cost of goods, shopping malls rake, staff salaries, sales commission, etc., changes in rates is the change in cost accounting in the consolidated sales .to a shoes shop as a sample, if the fixed costs of 1.5 million, the cost of goods account for 30% of sales, shopping malls rake is 30%, staff costs account for 10% of sales, then according to the formula is 15,000 yuan = 50,000 yuan. When the turnover of 50,000 yuan 15,000 yuan just to balance the fixed costs, commodity costs 15,000 yuan, 15,000 yuan and 5,000 yuan shopping pumping into staff costs.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

What does this mean As parents the choice of different

What does this mean As parents the choice of different, not only affects their own , but also affected their offspring! Wenzhou farmers work hard to completely get rid of their own and future generations of poverty, and hard-working farmers in Sichuan in exchange for the descendants of endless sorrow and tragic poverty. ideas determine, again to be verified!from Zhejiang in out of an economist, is terrific, he summed up the Zhejiang people's work philosophy:Many workers are not willing to listen to friends, but we think about it, This guy really have a point if it.wolf in search of freedom, preferring an independent personality, freedom of thought, running every day in the prairie, the indiscriminate hunting kill cattle and sheep, enjoy nature as much as possible to provide all the delicious, eat after lying on the grass, what do not want to, enjoy the sunshine and free air, they are dominated grasslands, they plenty of dignity. But when the cold comes They
must learn to resist the blizzard of cold, thick snow learn to hunt for prey below, often bear the pain of hunger, always worried about their Donge died. wolf's life can be described as half water, half life on the contrary, usually a dog owner can only eat scraps left, was the owner yelling around busily, no freedom, no dignity, only the fawning, the dog's life is guaranteed, although not always eat what delicious But do not worry about
going hungry when winter cold, a master of the fart care, dogs are deeply grateful, swear allegiance to the next life is still the main man, even if the dog owner who wanton beatings, dogs are also mostly not say anything, because obedient and docile dog who is a symbol. compromises their label is a dog, to a stable job, there is a time to their old fixed rations, all recognize the!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

these three are against the city

these three are against the city, WTO is to bring migrant workers the benefits. For most urban families, today they are mainly public housing wealth given to his wealth. you think, do not have this wealth, how can people spend? So it is very important to the prosperity of this decade three policies are very important. these three policies, we give people a certain degree of wealth to his consumption, the most important is that our costs down, the process of globalization in the world to get more benefits, enhance our competitiveness . Today, competitive is not used, because there is no demand, so you should have the demand.Today, we need the wealth to the people to consume him. China's consumption in GDP is very low proportion of them, a lot of people said that the Chinese people do not want to spend money. I think this is not entirely justified, China's household savings rate, according to the report of the World Bank two years ago, only 30% savings rate, and Japan 20 years ago, no major difference. China's consumption in GDP The proportion has been declining, is the proportion of China's household income among the fall in GDP, which is almost go together. can not blame China, the problem of insufficient domestic demand, do not want to spend money into the problem, there is a wealth of low income and a low problem. Chinese family's wealth, the total add up to 25 trillion of deposits, with almost 30 trillion in real estate, adding up to 60 trillion, twice the GDP, very low.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

started lively, open the abandoned auto repair factory, I heard kind of playfulness, But I still find myself lonely heart, and know what to do.all heard the noise into the ear,Christian Louboutin in fact nothing to do with their own confused.I know that he looked at me. even if he narrowed his green eyes. I am reminded of my father and mother, when they meet, also is like a glimpse. P90X his eyes to bring the illusion of a warm, there are like him I in this turbulent world of a vote *, Moncler even his call, his actions also told me that he will fight every effort to this encounter.I do? climb in the small hours he spent time in the hole, to deceive myself that the above also There he left the sweltering.I declare my love high-profile era, have to then turn left to choose a low profile.One day a certain period of a human discarded newspapers read:only one year is 1 2. the second year can participate in reproductive offspring can give birth to six 70, the third year reached 3 400,this calculation, there are more than 8000 million years. Of course, in fact as causes of disease and living environment, not all cats survived, but there is one per cent survive, is an astronomical figure.displaced abandoned reason, we may be of a different color, sounds are different, but the same fate as trash, from childhood we are to survive the ruins of the city, hunger, fear and even death.

Friday, August 20, 2010

major brand shoes

major brand shoes in the end it is not lucrative industry? Consumers are not white should be obvious to spend? I want everyone here to make a simple analysis, let us to spend time, at least clear. This years money is not easy, Oh, as far as possible it can do more with less.look at a pair of Xie Xie stores the basic material costs are. The cost of removing a pair of shoes costs of materials, as well as development costs, as well as we usually say that the LOP. L refers LABEL COST (labor costs) O refers OVERHEAD (plant management costs) P refers to PROFIT (factory should get the profit) way to tell you that our national sports shoes brand: KAPPA's LOP is 28-30 , ANTA's LOP is 22 or so, most of the other brands are 20 up and down,why the shopping center where all shoes sold for more than 600, even more than 1000 then in the middle of the distribution of profits is how it? Here I must mention that we have Chinese characteristics mall culture.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

woman casual shoes

woman casual shoes this type of woman do not care about your shoes, wear a communication disorder. sometimes shoes and clothes, not at all match, even the shoes had broken, outdated style, she also does not matter. or do not wear socks, socks have been damage, Chuancuo, she can live with, she is a woman informality, often attracted me. private life no coherent, and he likes to imagine that some day he can meet her Prince Charming and live free lives.

thrifty woman shoes

thrifty woman shoes buy a pair of shoes, she would cherish it, and hope that the shoes will wear longer, save a home equipment budget. shoe in her shoes,not smooth, often offend people without realizing it; in interpersonal relationships, deal with the pattern of small; in the professional field, she would Yin Momo efforts, while the chance of success.