Thursday, September 2, 2010

Zhangjiajie Tourism tram set with groups of tourists walking through the quartz sandstone peaks

Zhangjiajie Tourism tram set with groups of tourists walking through the quartz sandstone peaks,green all the into a scenic bus operation,which is rare in the world natural heritage through the frozen disasters,Zhangjiajie Tourism to rejuvenate quickly out of the Depression.'s learned from Zhangjiajie City,sustained disaster hit the ice,leading to the outside christian louboutin world had to make some of Zhangjiajie tourism highway,airport paralyzed.Zhangjiajie back in early February although full recovery of the scenic area on the electricity,transport and communications infrastructure,repairing the damage to tourism infrastructure ,but outside of the disaster in Hunan Ice discouraged,Zhangjiajie Spring Festival this year,once by the freezing weather.disaster,rapid recovery Zhangjiajie tourism work.At present,transportation,cable,water,communication facilities and equipment,including the core attractions of the tour Wulingyuan Road,identification cards christian louboutin shoes have been fixed,the city's various hotels and restaurants all open satisfied customer.Tianzishan cable,100 Long Ladder,Huangshizhai cableway,the scenic area of the green car had the normal operation,visitors can easily access the core scenic area.Zhangjiajie Tourism Bureau also organized the city's tourism industry has actively organized source,well tourist reception,no one case during the Spring Festival accidents,no complaints with the tour,
Zhangjiajie Travel Travel orderly.the past two days,from Zhangjiajie National Forest Park ticket stations of visitors a day into the scenic area up to 500 passengers,christian louboutin sale Huanglong Cave Attractions more than 300 tourists every day people.According to industry analysis,along with marked improvement in the weather and the holidays and paid leave system to adjust the implementation of Tourists will gradually increase,ahead of the arrival of the tourist season.However,journalists recently Wulingyuan,Tianmen,etc.

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