Thursday, October 14, 2010

As a result, mobile launch into the online internet area

As a result, mobile launch into the online internet area, the main push SNS business, recently launched the registration. while the other SNS sites registered by mail will always appear some impostor. Therefore, there is a move in the SNS unique advantages, not only the authenticity of a security, and phone number on the 1st pass, simple and practical. This does not suddenly Tantaiqiuquan .mobile, make a similar one up on such a large and comprehensive portal Sina website, but from Herve Leger the most popular SNS, and micro-blog to start, and then extended step by step. This is a correct strategy.
specific tactical level, but moving is not doing enough. Throughout the SNS 139 and the micro-blog is to follow suit, many of its features are blindly ism is difficult to attract. Although there are 139 photos, blog, music, voting, snatching parking, gifts, executive search, etc., but these functions and services with the happy network, internal network and other similar .139 SNS website is to promote the way of flying as a letter to promote the same year, giving registered users through SMS and rates, but these users send completed registration messages are also gradually used up Huafei cooled.

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