Thursday, October 14, 2010

Interior with large groups think outside the box is a natural phenomenon than can be resolved overnight

Interior with large groups think outside the box is a natural phenomenon than can be resolved overnight. But the mobile business segment now stress the integration should be a good opportunity. .There are several aspects of the mobile internal resources can be integrated .1, and the integration of letters flying. .such as pop-up page letter in flight can have 12,530 songs website's information and promotion.can have 12,530 of the music charts, Users can download music. immediately show Christian Louboutin what friends are listening to music, and can be easily downloaded. there developed ring tones gift giving feature to encourage users to use the letters flying mass, gifts to friends and recommend songs download link. .2 , and the integration of M-Zone is a mobile positioning .M-Zone brand of young people, has a large young users, and wireless music users are overlapping. its spokespersons Jay, Will Pan, SHE, are all singers music people, so 12530 can and M-Zone to Integrated Marketing and bundled sales. M-Zone every year a lot of publicity activities to promote resources and land resources, with 12 530 integration, although it is now also do joint activities, but no coherent strategy, is fragmented.

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